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November 5, 2013
VIEA: Non-Profit Economic Organization Website Launch
Website Launch

Vancouver Island Economic Alliance has been a web client of Array Web + Creative for nearly 5 years! Just enough time for their website to start feeling dated.

This year, we undertook the task of digging through the mounds of content on their old site to start a redesign.

The process for VIEA started with an examination of their stakeholders & their needs. Then, a complete content inventory was completed. The Information Architecture of the site was redeveloped, and a clean & inspirational design was put together.

This site features some great functionality. It is fully responsive – give it a try on your mobile device, or shrink your browser window to view it in action. The Interactive First Nations map makes it easy to access information on the 53 First Nations of Vancouver Island.

Desktop Version of

Tablet Version of

Also take a peek at the First Nations of Vancouver Island Map: